[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”637″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”TA Instruments Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”488″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”Methrohm Potentiometer”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”490″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”Thermofischer Rheometer for High-shear viscosity using cone_plate viscometer”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”491″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”Thermosel (Ambient to 300ºC) for Brookfield Viscometer”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”494″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”Brookfield Viscometer”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”835″ border_color=”grey” img_link_large=”” img_link_target=”_self” image_hover=”text” image_hover_type=”default” alignment=”center” img_size=”large” image_hover_pre_text=”Fungilab Rotational Viscometer”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row el_class=”about_table” expanded=”” background_type=”image” background_style=”cover”][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text el_class=”testing_table”]

Category Sr. No. Name of Test Test Method
Resins, Plastics, Polymers, Paints & varnishes 1 Viscosity by Brookfield Viscometer ASTM D 2196 – 10
2 Viscosity by flow cup IS 101 (Part 1 / sec 5) –R-2006;ASTM D 1200 -94 – 2005
3 Specific Gravity IS 101 (Part 1 / sec 7) –R-2006
4 Gel Time ISO 9396, IS 6746 -1972 (FF/TM-04)
5 Drying time IS 101 (Part 3/sec 1) – 1986,IS:10026 (Part 2) – 1999
6 Ability to cure in considerable thickness IEC 60464 -2-2001-07;IS 10026 (Part 2)-1999;
7 Acid Value IS 101 (Part 9 /sec 1)-2006
8 Amine Value ISO -9702-1996
9 Epoxy equivalent ISO 3001 / ASTM D1652 -11
10 Easily hydrolysable Chorine Content ASTM D 1726 – 11
11 Viscosity by falling ball viscometer ISO 12058-1-97-E
12 High-shear viscosity using cone/plate viscometer ASTM D 4287 – 00-2010
13 Thixotropic Index ASTM D 4287 – 00-2010
14 Ionic Chlorine Content ISO  21627-1
15 Moisture Content by Karl Fischer IS 2362 -1993
16 Total Acid Number DIN EN ISO 3682
17 Loss on ignition of Reinforced resins ASTM D2584
18 Isocyanate content FF/TM-27 (Internal Test Method)
19 Neutralization equivalent FF/TM-65 (Internal Test Method)
20 Saponifiable chlorine content /Easily Hydrolyzable Chlorine Content ASTM D 1726 – 11
21 Chemical resistance to coatings IS 6746-1972
22 Chemical resistance study of cured system ASTM C 225-85- 2004
23 Ash Content IS 101 (Part 8/Sec 3) -1993
24 Active Oxygen Content FF/TM-76
25 Hydroxyl Value of Epoxy Resin ISO 7142-2007(E)
26 Hydroxyl Value of Polyester Resins & Polyols ASTM E 222-10
27 Glass Transition Temperature ASTM D 3418/ASTM E 1356
28 Thermal Conductivity ASTM E 1952
29 Specific Heat ASTM E 1952
30 Non Volatile Content & Volume Solids IS 101 (Part 2/sec2)-1986
31 Fineness of grind IS 101 (Part 3/ Sec 5)-R-2006
32 Oil Absorption for Pigments and Extenders IS 33-1992
33 Ash Content IS 101 (Part 8/ Sec 3)-R-2006
34 Metal Content IS 8766-1978
35 Wet Opacity IS 101 (Part 4/Sec-1)-1988
36 Melting Point & range IS 5762-1970
37 Distillation Range ASTM D 85-02
38 Density by using Hydrometer ASTM E 100
39 Chemical Resistance of coatings IS 6746-1972
40 Particle Size of Residue on Sieves IS 33-1992; IS 101 (Part 8/sec 1)-1989
41 Bulk Density IS 33-1992
42 Loose Pack Density IS 33-1992
43 Flash Point ASTM D 93
44 Glass Content IS 101 (Part 8 /Sec 3)-R-2006
45 Dry Film Thickness IS 101 (Part 3/Sec 2)- R-2006
46 The resistance to water of a paint IS 101 (Part 7/Sec 1) – R-2006
47 The resistance to single-coat paint films,paint systems or allied products to the action of liquids IS 101 (Part 7/Sec 2) – R-2006 ; IEC 464-Part 2-1974
48 Ash Content IS 101 (Part 8/Sec 3) – R-2006
49 pH of Pigments & Extenders IS 33-1992

(Carbon fibre)

1 Density of carbon fibers by liquid displacement TORAYCA-TY-030B-02
2 Sizing amount of carbon fibers by pyrolysis TORAYCA-TY-030B-05


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